Energy poverty is a global crisis. Three billion people still cook with wood and charcoal and 1.2 billion have no access to electricity. Addressing this problem with a fuels based approach would create meaningful life-saving transformation

Our Approach

Successful implementation of our program will lead to the creation of new, fully functioning, profitable businesses that are solving problems, employing residents, growing local economies, and making a difference in the lives of millions.

Starting in Africa, our approach is focused on capacity building and knowledge transfer led by the world-renowned IESE Business School in Barcelona and in partnership with local universities encompassing:

  • Academic research (based on our unique methodology) of each target country to identify its specific energy-related challenges and opportunities
  • Mapping of proven and scalable business solutions from around the world to best address those challenges
  • Delivering this knowledge in locally led seminars to key stakeholders including business government and community leaders.

Sharing our vast fuels based knowledge and tailoring it to each country’s unique needs, we facilitate an effective dialogue and inspire locally-led solutions. Leaders in each region will decide for themselves which businesses are best suited to them and how to drive them into action. Our continued on the ground presence in each country also provides guidance, knowledge, and network development.

Our Focus

Transportation Fuels

Cooking Fuels


Electricity Generation


These Partners are dedicated to helping the Fuel Freedom Foundation


“The course demonstrates that you can pursue a successful business venture in the energy sector with a human and social angle to it.” – Alfred Oseko, Chief Legal Officer, Regulatory Affairs KENGEN (Kenya Electricity Generating Company)

“It was one of the best trainings I’ve attended on the topic. Clean Fuel-Fuel-Freedom-methanol generators, if implemented are the paradigm to a low-carbon, green economy development path that will transform the world and deliver green goods and services that we want. It was well organized, planned and managed.” – Peter Odhengo, Policy Advisor, Climate Finance/Green Economy, The National Treasury

“My overall experience with the course was fantastic. It was very engaging with an immense amount of practical knowledge being disseminated through both the course conveners and the selected participants all of whom brought unique expertise to the table. The course is a pivotal step towards developing the right capacity for key players in the energy sector in Kenya and Africa at large.” – Sahil Shah, senior advisor to Senator Gideon Moi

“The combination of rigorous academic research coupled with the ideal cross-section of various stakeholder groups gave the conference a unique energy and authority. Furthermore, it acted as a catalyst for the right conversations between the right people to be made.” – Kigen Moi

“It was an insightful session with practical case studies and thoughts from industry experts which proved useful to both our downstream and upstream business operations. With approximately 155 BCF of gas to be produced during the production of oil in the northern part of Kenya, the idea of developing a fertilizer plant with gas as the input proved timely. This will not only improve the economics of oil production but also increase our agricultural productivity by providing farmers with fertilizers.” – Viola Taurus, National Oil Corporation of Kenya

Success Stories


Our first successful course, developed and led in partnership with the  strathmore Business School in Nairobi, Kenya was held in the Great Rift Valley from March 5th through March 8th.
It presented 40 high-level, multidisciplinary participants representing government, investment banking, NGOs, and private sector businesses, with scalable and proven business solutions to address key issues in these four areas. It also sought to equip them with the knowledge necessary to invest in, and launch new businesses based on the information they receive.

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Building on the success of our inaugural course in Kenya in 2017, Fuel Freedom launched its second focus country program in May of 2018 in
Cotê D’Ivoire.

The course, which was held in Abidjan, the capital of Cote D’Ivoire from May 22-24th 2018, at the Sofitel Hotel, was conducted  in French and English and presented more than 60 high-level multidisciplinary participants representing government, investment banking, nongovernmental organizations (or nonprofit NGO), and private sector businesses,  with scalable and proven  business solutions to address key issues in our four key pillars: Transportation, Cooking, Electricity and Fertilizer, and equip them with the knowledge necessary to invest in and launch new businesses based on the information they receive. 

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