Our Approach

Successful implementation of our program will lead to the creation of new, fully functioning, profitable businesses that are solving problems, employing residents, growing local economies, and making a difference in the lives of millions.

Starting in Africa, our approach is focused on capacity building and knowledge transfer led by the world-renowned IESE Business School in Barcelona and in partnership with local universities encompassing:

  • Academic research (based on our unique methodology) of each target country to identify its specific energy-related challenges and opportunities
  • Mapping of proven and scalable business solutions from around the world to best address those challenges
  • Delivering this knowledge in locally led seminars to key stakeholders including business government and community leaders.

Sharing our vast fuels based knowledge and tailoring it to each country’s unique needs, we facilitate an effective dialogue and inspire locally-led solutions. Leaders in each region will decide for themselves which businesses are best suited to them and how to drive them into action. Our continued on the ground presence in each country also provides guidance, knowledge, and network development.